Thursday, November 10, 2011

the Grace

this is the Grace Cathedral. Found in Nob Hill in San Francisco. The doors are an exact replica of Ghiberti's Gates of Paradise (thank you art history!), but if you think about that... being able to get within feet of a work of art worth thousands of dollars and that was made hundreds of years ago by one of the greatest artists of his time.... phew, that was lot. 
I took this photo during an engagement shoot with my friend/classmate/client and her fiance. Their wedding was the next day. 

More to come, don't worry.

The future of documentary: the Interactive mode

I am taking a documentary film class, so of course, I watch a lot of documentaries. Here is one that we just watched (if you can even call it that). It is interactive. Which is a really new thing for film (thank you Apple products) and really cool for viewers! You are in control!! Its called Welcome to Pine Point  and is worth the time to watch.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

check me out!

My Behance, go on there and and appreciate it!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

headband piece for portfolio

This is a special one, I have been making these and trying to sell them. Since I don't yet have a place to make them, it is a bit hard keeping an etsy shop going, but come December, I will have a work room which equals plenty of time to craft! So keep looking at the shop, cause soon it will be full!
(p.s. I did they layout/design of this, I am quite pleased with it :))

portfolio work

These are the pieces I have been working on for my portfolio. I grouped them together so they would have a show-like quality in that they are meant to be viewed as a whole. They build off of one another in color and content. Each layout is its own piece. 







Saturday, October 1, 2011

And then there was Mama Donna


Yesterday my friend Gnoki said to me, "Katy, get your stuff, we are going on a drive through the mountains", and that is what we did! For hours in the car, driving down and up mountain roads just for a beautiful view and an opportunity for good conversation. Here are some shots I got during the adventure


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Korean War

I scanned around two hundred of my papa's photos from the war and his childhood. Then I accidentally deleted them. I cried a lot. Like someone died. But I just found four of them hiding in a random file on my computer. Lucky for us all. Such beautiful photos despite the context. 


Things to appreciate: clean clothes for free. Cause when you don't live in your mama's house and you are yet to be a mama, you probably don't have a washer and dryer. So you probably spend a lot of time (and quarters) at a laundromat. Hopefully you have a colorful friend to accompany you like I do. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Good Role O Film

I really love film. You could blame my mom for this. You see she lived in Africa and while she was there she took the most beautiful pictures with her Canon AE-1 camera. Of elephants, yes elephants.
I remember being little up in the hills where I grew up, and dragging my brother and his friend around for hours taking pictures of them. Little did they know, the camera had no film in it. But I remember feeling SO COOL. The sound of the shutter and reel is so delicious.
Recently I found four roles at a thrift store for around 2 bucks. This sparked my love for film. I am using that same Canon camera my mom used in the 70's. Its not as young as it once was, but it does a good job.
And now for some of those pictures:

Some (there were a lot) of the flowers given to Nicole from Joey.

Shamata and Reuben in their garden.

Gang of Four


Gonna miss these boys

Collin and Jake. Met at Java Station about a year ago. Collin is my let's-go-to-a-movie everyday buddy, late night breakfast at Denny's Buddy, draw naked ladies buddy, and one of my best friends. Jake makes me laugh, a lot. We are also married.
They are both leaving for schools in different states. This is so sad for me, who has to stay put. Guess it gives me a reason to travel though. I will miss them a lot. A LOT!
Also, this is the cutest picture I have ever seen.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tattoos hurt, who knew?

I got my first tattoo on Tuesday, and although I am really pleased with the outcome... Holy Shit! That hurt so bad! Really, I mean, yes I am a bit of a weenie when it comes to pain, but WOW! Granted the process does involve being stabbed by a needly a million consecutive times. I will stop by bickering, because no matter how bad it hurt, it only lasted an hour, and now I am left with the coolest tat ever. Which was drawn by me, all me. And it represents things. People, who I love. They are the legs, I am the body. Together we are a creature. One hell of a creature.

A+D cream smells...

Friday, August 5, 2011

Sweet Jos

This pretty lady let me take some photos of her in my headbands for etsy. It was greatly appreciated.

Friday, July 29, 2011

I miss the Bay

 I spent the last few days in the Bay Area (Rockridge and San Francisco) and it felt more like home than any place I have been in a while. As cheesy as it sounds, I felt like I belonged there. Like it matched my outfit. I will go back there, maybe end up there.

My favorite part of Rockridge were the houses. All of them unique, most of them completely surrounded by flowers and trees and magic. I kept fantasizing about living in one them with all of my favorite people, and eating meals in the probably beautiful kitchen.

We still have a chance

I was reminded by Nicole (lady above, and bellow) that we still have a chance at winning the Crossroads Photo competition. Or at least of getting an honorable mention. 

It has been a while...

I think this thing is gonna be more about pictures, not words. But words are still good. I make these headbands. They are nice, or so they say.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What is this!

Blog? I am not sure really what this thing is now... More just pictures I take it seems. Nice. Seeing as though the book is staying what it was when I made it a couple months ago. That is okay with me.

I like this last one a lot, 
I took it with my hand being above grass and dirt,
But when I got the film developed,
It was... Black

Sunday, February 6, 2011

My flesh is the Manifestation of the Spirit in my body.
My flesh is perfect.

Photo: Of Nicole, by Katy


I behold the Beautiful and the Pleasant.
My eyes see only that which is beautiful to look upon.
I will not see anything else nor believe in anything else.
I know that beauty has entered into my life, and will always remain there.
I see only the beautiful.

My mama sent that to me. 
Picture I taken my me, edited by me.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Men with scary wieners are always here. But I still love this beach.

Film on a hot day

Holidays were here, so I took pictures of him

One of the Brothers, He is handsome

On the hike to a magical pond

Other Brother

Other Other Brother


We arrive!

This was on my neighbor's fence around Christmas time. 
I thought it was really darling. 

These colors a beautiful, intense stuff.
Listen to the Lord of the Rings soundtrack listening to this stuff.